Real Stories

Real Stories

Keeping in touch through life’s ups and downs is critical to deepening and strengthening relationships. That’s why we’ve created this collection of cards, gifts and ideas—to help you be there when it matters most.

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Real Stories

It's stories like these that inspire us.

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Real Stories

Through inspiring real stories and expert advice, find ways to support the people you care about.

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Staying close with your friends and family plays a huge part in your happiness. When you make the special people in your life feel good, you feel good too.

But showing up for the people you care about can be a challenge. Because even if you actively want to be a bigger part of their lives—whether their journey is happy or hard—you have your own schedules, to-do lists and worries.

That’s why Hallmark created Real Stories: a special collection of cards, gifts and ideas that help you show your loved ones just how much you care. We wanted to make it easier for you to be there in as many ways—and on as many days—as possible. That’s what Real Stories is all about.

Interested in purchasing Hallmark cards, gift wrap, boxed cards or stationery online? Visit for everything you need to celebrate all the important moments in your life.